Today’s Israel Should Not Exist

At least, not in its present form.

Before we go any further, please note that this post is most definitely not antisemitic. We have many Jewish friends, both here in the U.S. and overseas, and we treasure them. We salute Jewish achievements in the sciences and the arts, particularly those in literature and music. We would like all Jewish people to live in peace, unthreatened and in harmony with others everywhere. Sadly, though, this does not seem possible.

Antisemitism is very real, of course, and it—especially its horrendous manifestation in the Holocaust—underlies Israel’s foundation. It is also why well-meaning people continue to believe in and support Israel, even today. Yet we would argue that supporting Israel at the close of 2024 is in itself antisemitic. Israel today is antithetical to true Jewish values, and to any value system that incorporates empathy and fair treatment of others.   A country run by criminals, and war criminals at that? Its current government and military policies are a blight on the Jewish people. Israel has become a criminal enterprise which imposes apartheid on many of its citizens and war crimes and genocide on the Palestinians within its territory. In the latter part of this year, the American-funded IDF has expanded its genocidal campaign to Lebanon and Syria as well.

Amnesty International concluded, after a nine-month study, that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.
Amnesty International concluded, after a nine-month study, that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

The Nakba of 1948, when many Palestinians were forced from their land and/or murdered for it, provided a preview of what was to come. Yet the death of some six million Jews in World War II was still uppermost in world leaders’ minds and it was generally believed the Jewish people deserved a haven, a safe refuge to help atone for all they had suffered. Israel was not established in the most ethical or humane manner, but there was a need for a Jewish homeland, it was felt.

In hindsight, this was obviously the wrong approach. How many peace talks have there been? How many proposed two-state solutions? How many wars? The Zionist project has led to where we are today.

A further effect of Israel’s steady descent into the monster state it is today has been the complicity it has imposed on its supporters, the U.S. foremost among them. Joe Biden’s legacy will be forever smeared by his total embrace of Israel’s actions, much more so than by his inept loss of political power.

Even at this writing, though, strong criticism of Israel is censored or downplayed. Students voicing their consciences are punished. Mainstream media are mostly silent. To the extent Israel’s atrocities are reported, they are muted to a point where they become background noise. Israel bombed a hospital/refugee camp today, and X people were killed. Ho-hum. The story is buried deep within a section or quickly mouthed in one sentence during broadcasts. “Settlers” murder Palestinians with impunity in the West Bank, and that seems to go completely unreported.

Just today (December 20), the New York Times reported on yet another Israeli bombing on a hospital in northern Gaza. The headline was “‘We Just Want Mercy’: A Gaza Hospital Pleads for a Respite.” Fair enough, as far as it goes.  But the story was nowhere to be found on the paper’s home page. It’s become old news, you see.

Kamal Adwan Hospital this month. Credit: Agence France-Press—Getty Images.
Kamal Adwan Hospital this month. Credit: Agence France-Press—Getty Images.

America’s involvement with and complicity in Israel’s inhuman behavior will only grow stronger with the incoming administration. This will harm both countries, and many others in the world as well. After all, neither nation is particularly stable these days.

The atrocities Israel continues to perpetrate will eventually lead to its destruction, regardless of how long this may take. Decent Israel citizens should be planning now to seek improved lives elsewhere. Given current circumstances in the United States, there may be better options than here.

A Sick Relationship

The anniversary of the October 7 attack on Israel is rapidly approaching, so this seems an appropriate time to take stock of what, if anything, has changed in the never-ending Mideast horror show. The answer, unfortunately, is not much.

After October 7, there was a rightful condemnation of Hamas for the savagery and scale of its attacks on Israel citizens, and for the taking of Israeli hostages. Some 1,200 Israelis were killed, and around 250 were taken hostage. While some Arab and Muslim-majority countries (and some American college students) blamed Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories as the root cause of the attack, most global observers described the Hamas attack as terrorism.

Enemies of peace—U.S. & Israeli burning flags.
Enemies of peace. Source:

Almost immediately, though, Israel returned to the lopsided violence it has displayed from the time of the Nakba. Roughly 41,000 Palestinians have been killed to date, of whom nearly 18,000 were women and children. The actual number is probably higher. These people, mostly innocent civilians, were not just killed, they were killed with a vengeance—2,000-lb. bombs dropped on hospitals and shelters, in a campaign of indiscriminate destruction which has virtually leveled the entire Gazan infrastructure. And now the contagion of Israeli violence has spread to the West Bank, where “settlers” are murdering Palestinians with impunity. It is an old, old story: brutal force prevails. And it is a story in which Americans are strongly complicit.

(Americans, so far, have not been identified as complicit in the exploding pagers incident in Lebanon, a particularly sadistic example of Israeli belligerence.)

There is little doubt that Benjamin Netanyahu and his corrupt, right-wing government are guilty of numerous war crimes. Netanyahu is widely viewed as perpetuating the “war” (an inappropriate term for such a one-sided conflict) to avoid criminal prosecution, with no regard for Israeli hostages (or humanity in general) whatsoever. Regular Israeli citizens have repeatedly protested his government’s actions, to no avail. Netanyahu is doing what he is doing with American-supplied materiel and support, but this is not the only instance of the sick relationship between the two countries.

It is sickening to see Secretary of State Antony Blinken shuffling ineffectually back and forth, mouthing pieties about Israel’s right to self-defense and gently tapping Netanyahu’s wrist for various atrocities. It is sickening to see the elderly President Biden refusing to modify his support of Israel or significantly modify the American flow of weapons to the country, despite growing evidence of genocide in Gaza. And it is sickening to watch U.S. college students being arrested and punished for calling attention to that same genocide.

The U.S. presidential election occurs not long after the Oct. 7 anniversary. A Trump victory would only solidify America’s blind support of Israel. A Harris victory, though, might just tilt the relationship ever so slightly in the direction of justice.

The ultimate goal, as so many have said forever, is a two-state solution, where both nations are free and equal and Israel is no longer an apartheid state and an oppressor. That is the only way that Israel will ever be truly secure. This dream scenario seems as distant as ever, though. But that’s no reason why a new American president can’t nudge things toward the goal, by taking a firmer diplomatic stance with Israel and implementing a more rational policy of support, one which hinges on Israeli behavior.

Ceasefire Now!

This page has been silent for most of 2023. In part, this has been due to work on a sizable project. In larger part, though, our silence reflects a stunned reaction to the ever-growing cascade of dire news around the world. What to say? Where to even begin?

Now, however, with 2024 on the horizon, it’s time to speak out again. We could address Trump’s possible (likely?) return to the White House next year … the world’s pathetic efforts to combat climate change … the hopeless situation of gun violence in America. Instead, we’ll focus on the most conspicuous bit of bad news on our screens at the moment: the incredibly disproportionate and criminal violence Israel continues to inflict on civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Gaza destruction.
Bombing survivors. Image source: Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images.

Yes, Hamas did commit atrocities against Israeli citizens on October 7. Horrendous atrocities. There’s no argument there. The argument is against the scale of Israel’s response. As always, far more Palestinians have died than Israelis, thanks in part to America’s long-term, continuing military support. And the Palestinians who have died are overwhelmingly civilians (many of them children), not Oct. 7 attackers. When called out on this, Israelis have pointed to America’s own disproportionate sins, namely Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

We should specify that we do not believe our anti-Zionist stance is antisemitic, though Israel and right-wing U.S. supporters would claim that it is. Rather, our condemnation of Israel’s long-term behavior, and its atrocious behavior right now, is a straightforward matter of observation. In addition to the vast destruction and the indiscriminate killing Israel is currently perpetrating, officials in that country’s government have been outspoken in calling for the blood of the “human animals” they are murdering in Gaza. Within the far-right Israeli government, there is not even a pretense of concern over civilian deaths.

Both Amnesty International and Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), two groups noted for trying to stop violence and bloodshed around the globe, are calling for an immediate ceasefire. That is but a minimal first step. It’s a contemptible shame that Western governments, including our own, lack the courage to support even that.

By the way, Amnesty International also notes, correctly, that Israel operates an apartheid state, and has done so for decades.

If any of the above resonates with you, write to your government officials. Do something to counter the blind, pro-Israel support dominating our government. Say something! Donate to Amnesty and MSF. And if you want to push Israel harder, consider supporting BDS. (Note that this last step may entail personal risk at some point.)